Juicy. Fresh. Delicious.

You choose

Keri Grove produces sweet oranges, mandarins and tangy lemons. Three varieties of mandarins, three oranges and three lemons have been planted to ensure year round supply.

We pick

We pick to send, meaning we have nearly zero wastage and select only the best fruit for our citrus lovers.

We deliver

Keri Grove takes pride in the handling and treatment of our fruit to ensure you are getting the best quality oranges and mandarins right to your doorstep.

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fruit salad

We make snack time easy.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Healthy snacks brought to you by Keri Grove Orchard with no added chemicals, just juicy oranges, mandarins and lemons freshly picked straight from the tree.

Who are we?

An old fashioned, family owned and managed citrus fruit orchard in Kerikeri. Our fruit can be purchased online or from our Icecream Farm Store, Keri Berries at 484 Kerikeri Rd.

Where to find us

Our orchard is at 482 to 484 Kerikeri Rd, where you can also find our Icecream Farm Store Keri Berries

Keri Kitchen

Our own brand of preserves, using fruit and veg grown locally and processed on site. Only available at our Farmstore.

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lemon fruit bowl

Our fruit is proudly spray-free.

Instead we use natural biological substances to encourage our trees to grow and to discourage pests.

This means our fruit may not have the same colour and appearance as an imported item from the supermarket.

We do not use synthetic pesticides or herbicides, inject hormones or antibiotics into the fruit, colour our fruit, or use artificial fertilisers.

Our fruit is truly seasonal, when the trees stop producing, we stop selling it. We do not store our fruit in cold store. We aim to deliver fruit as fresh as possible, by picking in the morning of the day that we send it out.'

spray free oranges